Friday, July 4, 2008

happy birthday, dear country + my favorite toys

I would sell my soul for some of these vintage Steiff animals!


Yes!!! He's missing his left fingers. I think I should adopt him and take care of him.

I want this duck!


God bless America! While biking home this morning, I realized that this truly is a great country: McDonald's is now featuring "Fresh Eggs Daily" (according to the ridiculously large egg sculpture on Clark and Addison)! I wonder what they were serving

A cute Flossy and Floster were curled up together listening to the orchestra play during Chicago's July 3rd concert/fireworks in the park.

Thanks to Chad for arriving at 2pm to reserve our place.

Keith and my feet.

1 comment:

Midge said...

YES!! You need that squasoe!!